Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pumpkin Stuffed with Everything Good

Try this dish! My friend Caroline passed it along to me from the NPR web site. It is super easy, but looks fantastic on the table. Like the title says, you just stuff it and bake it. The recipe says it serves two very generous portions. I served it as a side dish and I would say it serves 4.


Kristin Mulrooney said...

It was a huge hit! Wow. this will be our new Thanksgiving eve meal.

Lauren and JC said...

I am so glad you made this and recommend it! I heard the piece on NPR and have been dying to try it out. Now I have to find a pumpkin.

EFN Newsletter said...

Lauren - The only place I could find one was whole foods. good luck!

EFN Newsletter said...

Lauren - The only place I could find one was whole foods. good luck!